How Do I Get Customers To Use My ATM?

Having an ATM in your store can be a great way to earn a little extra income while also helping your customers at the same time. Of course, you may not reap the full benefits of your ATM if your customers aren’t using it. If this is a problem, rest assured that it’s one that can be fixed. Here are a few ways that you can get your customers using your ATM more frequently.

Make It More Visible

A huge part of ATM use is its location. If your ATM isn’t visible and easy to find, customers aren’t going to be able to find it and they’re definitely not going on a wild goose chase to find it. Put your ATM in a location that gets a lot of foot traffic. It also doesn’t hurt to place signs in your store directing people to the ATM.

Lots of Open Space

When you’re deciding on a location for your ATM, make sure it’s somewhere that has a lot of open space. The last thing you want to do is tuck it in a dark corner. Your ATM needs to be in a well-lit area with a lot of open space so that it feels secure and inviting to potential users.

Make Sure It Works

This should be obvious but it’s important enough to mention. If your machine breaks down or runs out of cash, it becomes useless to your customers, something you can’t allow to happen. Customers will remember if they visited an ATM that wasn’t in service and will then start assuming that it won’t be in service next time they need an ATM. This makes it critical that your ATM is always working and available.

Evaluate Surcharge Rate

Obviously, your surcharge rate helps to pay for the operating costs of your ATM in addition to helping you generate extra income. However, you have to keep in mind that your ATM isn’t the only one available for potential customers. If your rates are a little too high, they’ll pass and look for one that’s a little cheaper. Remember to keep your rates fair and affordable.

Update Technology

If your ATM is a little old and not up-to-date on its features, it may be the reason why customers aren’t using it. People love using new technology and machines that have all the latest bells and whistles. If the use of your ATM isn’t what it should be, consider updating to a new model that offers your customers more features and options.

5 Benefits Of A Wireless ATM Unit

Throughout the history of ATMs, they’ve required the use of a telephone line or modem in order to function. Fortunately, wireless technology has finally caught up, making wireless ATMs a viable option for any business or event that make ATMs available for their customers. Here are a few of the benefits of making your next ATM a wireless unit.

Throw Away the Landline

Let’s face it, landlines are getting to be a little old-fashioned, nor are they cheap. The cost of a wireless plan is going to be less expensive than having an extra landline in order to run an ATM. Those savings will start to add up over time and make it a little cheaper to operate your ATM, adding to the profit you get from having it.

Speed Up Transactions

If you’re unfortunate enough to remember the days of dial-up Internet, you’ll know that today’s wireless Internet is much faster. Well, the difference in speed will be similar when you switch to a wireless ATM. Wireless transactions can be done in mere seconds, which means no long lines at your ATM because customers will be in and out quickly. Most customers will also remember how quickly your wireless ATM moves and be more likely to come back.

More Placement Options

In the past, ATM placement has been limited to where you can get a landline. However, a wireless ATM unit can be placed anywhere there’s a power outlet. If your current ATM placement isn’t working out or even if your entire business changes locations, just unplug the ATM, find a new outlet, and you’re good to go.

Better Security

Sadly, hackers are stepping up their game when it comes to stealing personal and financial information. However, with a wireless ATM, you can utilize SSL encryption to protect the data of all transactions at your ATM. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can be used to remotely monitor ATMs, reducing the risk of hackers infiltrating your ATM.

Logistical Benefits

Finally, there are countless logistical benefits to owning and operating an ATM that’s wireless. For starters, you’ll be able to reboot or power cycle your ATM remotely. It also becomes much easier to review ATM communications or double check terminals IDs with a wireless ATM. Top companies like, LLC also give you an online portal to troubleshoot problems with your wireless ATM so any issue can be resolved quickly.

Contact us to learn more about wireless ATMs.

3 Reasons To Choose a Genmega ATM Machine

Adding an ATM to your retail store or business can have a number of long-term benefits. Of course, the first thing you need to understand is that not all ATMs are created equal. There are a number of ATM manufacturers that all offer a variety of machines with different features and benefits. One of the newer companies in the ATM industry is Genmega. Here are a few reasons why a Genmega ATM may be perfect for your needs.

Modern Design

As you’d expect from a younger company that’s only been in business since 2006, Genmega’s products have a sleek, modern look to them compared to other companies. The company prides itself in not only utilizing the latest technology but in creating ATMs with an attractive and contemporary look. This emphasis on aesthetics can often prove useful in attracting customers to your ATM, helping to increase the revenue your ATM creates. This emphasis on design also makes Genmega ATMs a good fit for a wide variety of locations and needs.

Easy to Maintain

Another important reason why Genmega ATMs may be appealing is that they are built to last and don’t require a lot of maintenance. Genmega does a good job of testing its products and making small but important improvements before making them available to customers to make sure they’re going to stand the test of time without breaking down. The company also uses parts that are interchangeable with parts made by other ATM manufacturers, making it easier to find replacement parts in the event something breaks down sooner than expected.

Customized Hardware

Flexibility is key when it comes to ATMs. It’s also an area where Genmega excels. Most Genmega machines come with customizable hardware configurations so you can tailor an ATM for a specific location or business. Among the extra options or upgrades are a bigger screen, custom graphics on receipts, a camera system, and multiple note removable cassettes. Remember, not all ATMs are created equal, and with Genmega, it’s easy to customize a machine that’s exactly what you need.

Contact us to learn more.

Are ATM Good For Generating Passive Income?

Businesses of all sizes should always be looking for new ways to generate extra income. One of the best ways to add a passive source of income to your business is with one or more ATM machines for your customers to use. Here are just a few ways that an ATM can help your business generate a little more income without much effort.

Transaction Fees

One way to make money with an ATM is to charge a small transaction fee every time someone uses it. Obviously, the more use the ATM gets, the more fees you can collect. In the right location, an ATM can get a lot of use and generate a substantial amount of income over time, even if the surcharge is only a dollar or two.

Customers Spend More

Research shows that roughly 25% of the money withdrawn from an ATM is spent at the store where the ATM is located. This is business that you may not get otherwise and another figure that can add up over time and end up padding your bottom line.

Bringing Customers Into Your Business

If you advertise that you have an ATM inside your store, people in need of an ATM will come to your business to use it. Once inside your store, people may feel obliged to buy something or they may see something and make an impulse purchase. Either way, it’s revenue that you wouldn’t have received if not for your ATM. The opposite can also be true. If you don’t have an ATM, customers will have to leave your store in order to find one and they may not come back.

Renting Ad Space

Selling ad space around your ATM is another great way to generate some passive income. Obviously, you need to prove to potential advertisers that your ATM gets a lot of use. However, if your ATM is in a good location, it shouldn’t be that difficult to convince other businesses to pay a small fee for the right to sponsor your machine to help take care of some of the operating costs, helping to boost the money you make off having the machine.

Contact us today to learn more.

The Fascinating History of ATM Machines

Most of us are no doubt familiar with ATM machines and have used them for years without a second thought. But have you ever stopped to think about how the automated teller machine came into existence? The history of the ATM is actually a lot more interesting than most people realize.

The first thing to know about the history of the ATM is that there isn’t one single inventor. Some people will give credit to Scottish inventor John Shepherd-Barron. However, it’s more accurate to say that the ATM was developed by combining the features of several notable banking machines. Some of these machines could dispense cash but not accept deposits while others could only take deposits without dispensing cash. Over time, banks and inventors were able to create machines that could do both, giving us the modern ATM.

One of the first banking machines that would eventually give birth to the ATM was invented by an American named Luther Simjian, the owner of over 100 patents. Simjian’s 132nd patent was a machine called the Bankograph, which could accept both cash or checks as bank deposits but didn’t dispense cash. The machine utilized a small camera that would take a picture of every deposit, in part to help convince people that it was safe to use.

In 1960, Simjian convinced a New York bank to install a few of his Bankographs. However, the machine never caught on with the general public. It was used primarily by gamblers and prostitutes who wanted to avoid interacting with a bank teller at all costs. About six months after Simjian’s Bankographs were placed around New York City, they were removed due to lack of use.

It wasn’t until later in the 1960’s that people started to come around on the idea of self-service banking. By this time, self-service gas stations, automated public-transit tickets, and vending machines had started to become more common, making people more open to the idea doing their banking without having to wait in line at the bank.

Around this time, Shepherd-Barron had his idea for a machine that could dispense cash the way vending machines dispense candy. Popular London-based bank Barclays was the first to utilize Shepherd-Barron’s machine. In lieu of the ATM cards we use today, Shepherd-Barron’s cash machine used paper vouchers with radioactive ink in order to withdraw money. At the time, there was a withdrawal limit of £10 at a time.

In 1969, American Donald Wetzel introduced a machine similar to the one Shepherd-Barron helped develop in the U.K. The biggest difference is that this one actually used plastic cards akin to the ATM cards we use today. A branch of Chemical Bank in Long Island was the first to use Wetzel’s invention. However, it still took some convincing for the bank to go along because people were hesitant to use a machine that handles their money.

It took a series of ad campaigns during the 1970’s to finally make people feel at ease with using machines to handle their money and banking matters. The best known came from Citibank, which spent $100 million in 1977 to install ATMs throughout New York City. At first, people were hesitant to use them, at least until a blizzard dropped 17 inches of snow on the city. With the banks closed for days, people were forced to use them. Citibank then used pictures of people using ATMs amidst the blizzard in their “The Citi Never Sleeps” campaign, which helped jump-start the ATM craze.

From there, the popularity of ATMs grew to the point where they are today with roughly two million of them worldwide. Of course, with the growing use of credit cards and debit cards, ATM use has started to decline. However, they do remain a necessary part of our lives. With modern ATMs having new features, increased functionality, and improved security, we seem to be entering a new chapter in the fascinating history of ATMs.

Contact us today to learn more about ATMs.

4 Reasons To Choose a Hyosung ATM Machine

When it comes to buying or leasing an ATM, there is an abundance of options. There are a number of notable ATM suppliers that all offer a multitude of machines. One company worth mentioning is Hyosung, which is one of the leaders in ATM placement both worldwide and in the U.S.


One thing that stands out about Hyosung is the diversity of the products and services they offer. Whether you need a stand-alone ATM, a drive-up ATM, or an ATM that’s installed directly into a wall, Hyosung has you covered. They offer machines of all shapes, sizes, and functions to help the specific needs of any business. Hyosung also provides a full range of ATM services, including ATM hardware and software. In short, they can handle an ATM-related task.


Part of why Hyosung ATMs are so widespread is their compatibility across different markets. Hyosung makes their machines with an open architecture, which is a fancy way of saying that will be compatible and scalable across all types of businesses. No matter your specific ATM needs, there’s a good chance you’ll find what you need with Hyosung.

Ahead of the Curve

Throughout their history, Hyosung has been one of the most innovative companies in the ATM industry. For instance, they were the first company in the U.S. to introduce cash recycling in ATMs. Hyosung also has implemented a number of other innovations, including mobile applications and remote service monitoring. If you want your ATM to feature cutting-edge technology and the latest innovations, Hyosung may be your best option.


Last but not least, part of finding the right ATM means dealing with servicing. Fortunately, Hyosung has you covered. The company has over 400 field service engineers in the U.S. who are capable of servicing any problem with your Hyosung ATM. In fact, the company guarantees a first visit resolution time of fewer than two hours, which means Hyosung is committed to solving any problem you may have as soon as possible.

Have more questions? Contact us today.

Is ATM Placement Right For Your Business?

If you’d like to have an ATM at your business to provide a useful service for your customers and add another source of income, one option to consider is ATM placement. Instead of having to buy an ATM outright, ATM placement allows you to make a deal with an ATM provider like National ATM Wholesale. They own the ATM and take care of it while you reap the benefits.

If you don’t have the money to buy an ATM outright, there’s a good chance ATM placement will be right for your business. ATMs can cost thousands of dollars to buy, especially if you don’t want to have to settle for a used one. Keeping the machine filled with your own cash can also require plenty of capital upfront. Unfortunately, this isn’t always feasible for all businesses. However, ATM placement is a good way to get around these potential roadblocks.

Even though the ATM is placed at your business, the ATM provider still owns the machine. This means they’ll be responsible for keeping it filled with cash and take care of any necessary repairs. These expenditures can be somewhat costly over a long period of time. However, with ATM placement, no money changes hands between your business and the provider. You simply give them a space for the ATM and they take care of the rest.

Not only will ATM placement help you avoid making a large investment upfront, but it will also save you a lot of time and hassle. Smaller businesses may find that they don’t have the time to keep up with all of the responsibilities that come with owning an ATM. If this is one of your concerns when considering whether or not to add an ATM to your business, ATM placement may be a more suitable option for you.

The caveat of ATM placement is that you’re unlikely to add as much revenue as you might if you owned the ATM outright. However, you will benefit simply from having an ATM in your business. You will also share the revenue from the machine with the ATM provider. Essentially, you get many of the benefits of having an ATM without any of the cost or time commitments. It’s a great setup for smaller businesses looking for a little extra revenue. ATM placement could also be a good way to test out if it’s worthwhile for your business to buy an ATM outright.

To learn more, call, LLC today at 1-866-295-2329.

How to Attract More Customers to Your ATM

So you’ve decided to have an ATM installed in your place of business, and while you may already be enjoying some increased revenue, you’re not sure whether you’re getting the most benefit that you could from it. What are some ways you can attract more customers to your ATM, thereby increasing its value to your company?

We’ve compiled a few key strategies below that can help improve ATM usage. While not every strategy is right for every company, they are proven tactics that businesses like yours have used successfully to draw more customers to their ATM machines.

Place the ATM in a conspicuous, convenient location

Some business owners treat their ATM almost like an intruder, choosing to place it off in a corner where it won’t take up too much usable space. Unfortunately, this move also effectively “hides” the machine so your customers either forget it is there or do not realize it’s there to begin with. For customers to use the ATM, they have to see it, preferably right within their pathway. Don’t block traffic with it, but put the machine in a location where it will be highly visible and convenient to use. This strategy alone may be the most important one you use to attract more customers to your ATM. Our team can help you determine the best potential locations for ATM placement.

Offer incentives for cash purchases

This strategy won’t work for every business, of course, but if you want more people to use the ATM, try providing some sort of reward for doing so. Many businesses offer a discount for cash purchases roughly equivalent to their credit card fees. (Gas stations across the country frequently do this.) Give customers a reason to use the ATM, and more of them will.

Test locations

ATM placement is basically a marketing strategy, and as with all marketing, testing is the key to perfection. There may be several conspicuous places within your business where an ATM would serve you well, so try the machine for a few weeks at a time in each location. Either immediately or over time, you’ll identify one or two “sweet spots” where your ATM machine performs best.

These are just a few things you can do to attract more customers to your ATM and generate more revenue. For more tips and customized strategies, give, LLC a call at 1-866-295-2329.

Everything Business Owners Need to Know About ATM Processing

An ATM machine on-premises can be a boon to business, but if you’re like many business owners, you’ve probably put off the decision to install one because you’re intimidated by the process of it. While ATMs provide an excellent revenue opportunity, there are some details regarding ATM processing that can be admittedly daunting. After all, you’re not a banker or a financial guru; you run a shop, or a gas station, or a bar, and that’s what you’re good at.

We understand this, and that’s why we’ve produced the following simple overview that includes everything business owners need to know about ATM processing. At the end, we’ll also provide you some helpful advice on how to make ATM processing simple and stress-free.

Transaction Processing

When people use an ATM, they are basically using the machine to conduct business with their financial institution. Most people withdraw money from the ATM, but a few use it to deposit money into their banks. The ATM interfaces with these financial institutions through agencies like Visa, MasterCard, Cirrus and Star. In most cases, these transactions will be processed and tracked through a third-party service of some kind.

Cash Vaulting

ATMs must constantly be stocked with cash, typically daily, to ensure funds are available for customers who use the machine. Cash vaulting is the system by which you load cash into your ATM. Machine owners may either load the machine with their own money or hire a vault cash service to do it for them (the cash is typically transported by armored car).

Real-time Reporting

Tracking your ATM activity is one of the most important things you can do to notice trends and optimize results. Your ATM will be connected to a data processing service that provides real-time reporting of transactions, delivering annual, monthly and/or daily reports as well as alerting you when the cash levels in your ATM get low. Some of these services also allow you to access data and reporting instantly by logging in via the Internet. This information helps you identify important activity trends and performance so you can make adjustments to obtain optimal results.

Maintenance and Repairs

Like any other type of machine, ATMs need ongoing maintenance and occasional repairs. These days, most machines are equipped to run regular self-tests that will alert you when the machine needs attention. Since you probably are no expert on the inner workings of an ATM machine, you’ll likely need to engage an experienced maintenance service to come and work on the machine periodically. You may also opt to subscribe to a preventative maintenance plan in which technicians come by regularly to keep the machine in proper working order.

How to Make ATM Processing Incredibly Simple and Affordable

The issues we’ve listed above are enough to intimidate even the stoutest of heart, which is exactly why many business owners balk at the idea of installing an ATM even though they know it would increase their revenue substantially. But what if these complications were someone else’s department? What if you could enjoy the benefits of an ATM while leaving the processing issues to someone else?, LLC has made ATM processing virtually painless by including it free of charge in our placement plans. When we place the machine for you, we handle for the transaction processing, network access, real-time reporting, cash vaulting and maintenance, all as part of the plan. All you do is provide the space and collect your share of the transaction fees; we take care of the rest!

When you install an ATM machine in your business, you need to understand the various functions of ATM processing, reporting, vaulting, maintenance and repair—but with our ATM Placement Program, you don’t need to become an expert in any of these areas, nor do you have to stress over them. In fact, you don’t even have to pay for them!

Since, LLC makes ATM processing such a breeze, you basically have no excuse to exclude yourself from more revenue and sales. Reap the benefits of ATM placement without the headaches. To learn more, call us at 1-866-295-2329.

Which ATM Machine is Best for My Business?

Once you’ve decided to provide more value to your customers (and more revenue to you) by installing an ATM machine, the next question to ask yourself is: “Which ATM machine is best for my business?” Fortunately, these machines come in many shapes, sizes and installation types, so there’s a good solution for almost every type of business. The following overview should give you an idea of what’s available so you can make an informed decision about the best solution for you.

Standalone ATM machines

Perhaps the most common type of ATM for commercial businesses, the standalone variety is easy to place and can be moved to a variety of high-traffic locations in the store with minimal effort. This type of machine is optimal for businesses with ample space, as well as those who want the freedom to move the machine as the needs of the space evolve.

Through-the-wall ATM machines

Another installation option is to get an ATM that mounts directly into a wall. This solution can be optimal for businesses who have a high-profile wall space, minimal floor space and/or desire more security. The potential disadvantage is that through-the-wall machines are effectively permanent, so you want to be certain of the placement location before installing it.

Countertop ATM machines

For businesses who have limited space in general, a countertop ATM may be the perfect solution. These units are compact and easily mounted onto a counter, and they can provide added convenience for patrons at restaurant and bar establishments who need spur-of-the-moment cash. The downsides are that you will have to sacrifice some counter space, and that smaller ATM machines may need to be reloaded more often.

Outdoor ATM machines

If you have ample external wall space and don’t mind the extra effort to install, an outdoor ATM can be an excellent solution. The greatest advantage here is that an outdoor ATM is accessible 24/7 so you can generate revenue around-the-clock, even when you’re closed. The innate challenges with an outdoor ATM are that you must make an extra effort to protect it from the elements—for example, placing it under an overhang, placing plastic shielding over the sensitive parts of the machine, providing electric heaters to keep electronics from getting too cold, etc. Outdoor ATMs may also be vulnerable to tampering, so you’ll need to inspect the machine regularly for security reasons.

Whichever type of ATM machine works best for your business, make sure you get a high-quality machine from a respected manufacturer, one that is reliable and low-maintenance. To ensure the best levels of quality,, LLC only sells and places machines from top manufacturers like Hyosung, Genmega and Triton, all of which make ATMs with a variety of features to suit many different types of companies. To learn more about which machine is right for you, call us today at 1-866-295-2329.